Stories for February 2006

February 24, 2006

The Theatre of the Barely Socially Acceptable, Act 9

You can’t hear me? I CAN HEAR YOU!Yes I can. Brenda, I am on the subway. I can’t be doing that! When people make public spectacles of themselves I get embarrassed. Why me? Watching a scorned lover let her…

February 19, 2006

The Tao of SpongeBob

The Tao of Spongebob After a hard day at the office my back aches and my shoulders are so tight you could bounce coinage off of them. It’s the price I pay for a desk job. Staring at the…

February 12, 2006

The 21st Century Mark of Success

We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur. Former Vice President Dan Quayle Boing Boing links to Jeff’s Sprint Mashup Last week, as I was talking to Cultural Tourism DC, a group of small…

February 11, 2006

The XX Winter Olympiad: Let the Politics Begin

NBC’s Brian Williams waxes political at the Turino Olympic Opening Ceremonies (Quicktime, 2.1 MB). Click image to begin video. Last night I sat down with my family to watch the opening ceremonies of the XX Olympic Winter Games. A…

February 5, 2006

Five Years of Sticking it to the Man

Five Years of Sticking it to the Man. Click on the image above to watch a self-tribute to my years in the blogosphere. (Quicktime 4.5 MB). And don’t forget to take a look at the inspiration for this little…