Stories for May 2002

May 21, 2002

How to Grow a Longer Nose

I lied. I flat out lied and it was so effortless I was shocked to hear the words slip so easily out of my mouth. I am never fully awake when we ride the morning Metro. I’m not sleepy,…

May 5, 2002

Coming of Age Underground

I started taking my 4 year old daughter to school on the Metro (DC’s subway) without a stroller this week. We are now walking, hopefully hand-in-hand, across the Metro platforms. She’s simply getting too big to be pushed around….

May 1, 2002

The Memory Project

My name was Chaim Shmuel Guyetsky. My friends call me Jeff. My father calls me Chaim Shmo when he teases me and Jeffrey when he’s about to invoke his fatherly rights of advice. I’m a Jewish boy in a…