Stories for July 2008

July 18, 2008

When Speaking in Spain, Always Take a Picture

Gracias por haberme invitado aqui a hablar con ustedes hoy. Yo hablo poco Español, asi que continuo en Ingles. Vamos a empezar. I’m used to speaking in front of large groups of people. But even though I’ve been doing…

July 13, 2008

Spain: The Post-Flight Recap

Globalization: The Tennessee Bar in Aranjuez, Spain Estoy en España, mis amigos. And so far, my detailed packing technique has yielded no forgotten essentials. My one suitcase weighed 21 kilos, just under the 50 pound limit and my supersized…

July 6, 2008

Traveling Abroad: A Pre- Pre-Flight Checklist

Boat house with concrete lighthouse for sale. A photo from my last trip to a Spanish-speaking land: Puerto Rico. Ok, true confession: I am a neurotic traveler. Well, to be more specific: I am a neurotic pre-traveler. With one…