Stories for September 2006

September 17, 2006

Curbing My Enthusiasm

Deep inside I could be him. Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusiasm I was standing on the subway platform Friday afternoon, looking forward to the weekend. It started out as a normal commute home. As the train came into the…

September 11, 2006

Five Years Ago

Think about what you were doing, who you were with, and where you were. Reflect upon where we are now. Related Stories from Life Outtacontext: Remains of the Day, The Remains of the Day: One Year Later, and The Essence…

September 2, 2006

Competitive Dentistry

A souvenir from my recent vacation decapitated me! Before beginning the procedure Deb, the dental technician initiated some preliminary chit-chat. “What brings you here today?” she asked. Offering up my porcelain crown I said, “It came off.” “Crowns don’t…