December 16, 2005
Access to Eye Level, our new blog at American Art was a bit dicey today. Typepad’s servers were having a bit of trouble so our site (and every other Typepad hosted site around the world) appeared to the public as it had two days ago when they last backed up their servers. But that didn’t stop Yahoo! from naming Eye Level as it’s Web site of the Day!
“Finally, an art blog for the rest of us! The bright minds behind the Smithsonian American Art Museum contribute to this lively discussion of American art in all its strange and wonderful incarnations.”
Kind words. Thanks Yahoo!
[ Smithsonian American Art Museum, Yahoo!, Eye Level ]
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Congratulations Jeff. Just imagine artworld commentary that is not snooty. Isn’t that an oxymoron????
Well, you managed to pull it off!
Posted by: Randall Packer on December 17, 2005 9:42 AM
Comments are now closed for this post. But there are a few other entries which might provoke an opinion or two.