News Outta My Control / 30.10.2008

Orlando News Anchor Asks the "Fair and Impartial" Questions. I'm exhausted. Obsession can do that to you. During the primaries I was disconnected. I didn't read much about politics or watch the campaigns unfold on TV. But the moment (the moment!) I heard Sarah Palin speak at the Republican National Conversation I was hooked. With little faith in the general electorate's ability to see "truth" beyond her sharp delivery I was immediately drawn into the fray. My lack of faith has become a quadrennial problem of mine. From that point I began to listen to every word Obamabiden and McCainpalin uttered. I...

News Outta My Control, Professional Auteurism / 19.10.2008

Hotlinking. I've written about this netiquette faux pas before. And as you can see I've found a number of ways to get even (here and here). If you're going to use my images don't even think of linking to them directly. Internet providers charge us for bandwidth when you do that. It's costly and it's just not nice. But in this time of social and financial upheaval, when we're watching the powers-that-be vying for control of the message, I have ways of maintaining authority over my own images. Link directly to them and you may find I've swapped your my...

News Outta My Control / 28.09.2008

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on Newsweek's Cover (see larger version) To paraphrase M. Night Shyamalan's famous line from his film The Sixth Sense, "I see details." I am hyper vigilant when it comes to noticing the particulars of everyday life. I've often felt I'm different than the average person. This recent dialogue between Steve Portigal and Dan Soltzberg on noticing reminded me of this. This power has been both the bane of my existence and my salvation. But it aptly describes who I am. This sixth sense is often distracting, constantly poking me in the sides (every time I walk past this...

News Outta My Control / 16.09.2008

The political events of the last two weeks have ignited my creative juices. I wake up in the middle of the night with a strategy I quickly tweet to @BarackObama. I can't help myself. This morning in the shower I came up with this ad, a take-off on Hillary's 3 a.m. special. News cycles these days run in nano seconds and given those constraints I have no time to produce it. I need to get it out there fast. Here's the script Barack (and if you don't want it will you pass it on to SNL?): INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Close-up of...

News Outta My Control / 13.09.2008

Coming off of an unbelievable week in American politics, once again liberals have been blind-sided by the lengths McPalin will go to win an election. Many are culpable here. But I have reserved my greatest indignation for Karl Rove who has taught the Republicans that if you're caught in a lie, just keep ignoring culpability and reality by repeating that lie. Ultimately the American people lose when discourse about issues critical to our lives is turned into a circus. Ok, I've vented enough. If this election cycle has become so theatrical that many are suspending their disbelief, here's one I...

Fairly Odd Parents-Present, News Outta My Control / 18.02.2008

Women have a right to expect that showers and locker rooms are not occupied by persons who retain their equipment. From the Good Folks at Dinnertime at our house is a family affair. And evening meal is the time when we talk about our day. As father of the brood I am eager to hear the news. When I ask my daughters "How was your day?" they uniformly answer in the typical "youngspeak" of the early twenty-first century: "Goood." (Think slight Swedish intonation with the end of the word rising a bit in pitch.) How's school? "Goood." How's your teacher?...

News Outta My Control / 13.11.2007

A boy makes a rubbing of his grandfather's name, one of 58,256 etched into the black granite walls of Maya Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Today the memorial turns twenty-five. Residing in Washington, DC, you sometimes forget you're living in the cross hairs of history. Walks past 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and silver anniversaries of war memorials are gentle reminders. [ Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Maya Lin, Washington, DC ] ...

News Outta My Control / 11.09.2007

Thinking about 9/11. Retracing our steps. Telling our story to our children who are now old enough to understand. Rereading others' stories from six years ago. Taking my other cell phone today, the one that works underground in the subway. Related Post: When Looking Back, Remember to Look Where You're Going Sad, but true link: Three out of ten Americans think U.S. is winning war on terror (via CNN). [ 9-11, September 11 ] ...

News Outta My Control / 09.09.2007

Panorama photograph I took at Arecibo last year. (view larger) The Washington Post is reporting today that funding is in jeopardy for the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. Without real (and voting) membership in Congress, the Commonwealth lacks the pork-potential other elected officials bring to their home districts. Last year my family and I visited this radio telescope as part of a science field trip for my daughter's fourth grade class. The opening sentence of the Post's report paints quite a romantic picture of the telescope's location: "In the tangled forests of Puerto Rico's steamy interior...