Artistic Tendencies, News Outta My Control / 08.11.2009

An East German Volkspolizei guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in East Berlin, 1974, © Jeff Gates. Click on image for a larger view. I am slowly unearthing photographs and memories from my 1974–1975 trip to Europe. I took this image at East Germany's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I remember thinking the pomp and circumstance of the East German soldiers as they marched in front of the monument reminded me of ours at Arlington Cemetery. While smoking was much more prevalent in both the East and West in the 1970s, I took notice of the large number of people...

News Outta My Control / 01.11.2009

A family reunion at Checkpoint Charlie. Click image for a larger view. © Jeff Gates In 1974, I was a fresh college graduate when I decided to embark on my first trip abroad. I spent seven months traveling in Western and Eastern Europe, exploring my longtime interest in borders. Even knowing a bit of history, they just seemed so arbitrary. To think there was a man-made demarcation line where one side abided by one set of rules and the other side by another was profoundly intriguing. The United States was so large and so relatively homogeneous it was hard...

News Outta My Control / 20.07.2009

Click on the image for a larger view. As you get older your collection of chachkas increases exponentially. And, one day, you realize your whole attic is filled with the most "important" and "valuable" memories of your life. Well, not really. Most of it is junk that at various times you predicted would define your life. So much for prognostication. My track record isn't the best and this is precisely why I rarely play the stock market. However, every once and while the life event is so big you know the artifact is worth saving. Years later, if you can remember...

Artistic Tendencies, News Outta My Control, Professional Auteurism / 25.04.2009

Commentary at the New York Stock Exchange On a trip last week to New York for a series of meetings I suddenly discovered the New York Stock Exchange was located directly on the path between my hotel and meeting site. This "discovery" was hard to miss with a huge American flag draped across the front of the building and tourists holding up their cameras for a similar photo op (even at this early morning hour). My time in Washington has trained me to look for initial signs of heightened security camouflaged as benign architectural flourishes. Bronze-colored "stones" subtly blocked would-be terrorists' attempts...

Idiosyncratic Celebrations, News Outta My Control / 22.01.2009

A "postcard" view of the Inauguration taken from the top of the Washington Monument. The circle marks our spot on the Mall. Click image for larger view. (The original can be found here.) My twelve year old daughter and I got up early to catch the Metro downtown to Barack Obama's Inauguration. We didn't know quite what to expect. No one did. There were numerous unknowns: how many millions would crowd the Mall that day, would the Metro be able to handle the heavy traffic, and where would the best vantage point be to witness the festivites. But I had to...

News Outta My Control / 19.01.2009

Bush's Last Day

I've been wearing a baseball cap emblazoned with this date and slogan for over two years. And I can't believe January 20, 2009 is finally upon us. I feel like a veil is being lifted and like victims of oppression who suddenly become free of their oppressors, I am both filled with hope and anxiety when I consider the future ahead for us. Things will not change right away and some things will be hard for Barack Obama to right. These eight years will not go away that easily.

The actual attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon seem far in the past (although their effects do not). The Iraqi and Afgani Wars, Osama and Al Qaeda --it's hard to believe George W. Bush has been in power during this whole period. It seems like forever (it has been forever). I am less naïve and see our success as a people much more tied to the rest of the world. George W., you showed me that over the years. Your actions spoke volumes. And I learned the hard way by your mistakes and missteps.

Early on I felt isolated from many Americans, those who saw your policies in very different ways. I'm gratified after eight years I am no longer in the minority. It took awhile but those missteps became onerous to most. But many paid a high price and sacrificed their lives because of your decisions. I don't take terrorism lightly but I'm hoping there are other ways to fight it. I am looking forward towards a more humble period in our history.

I started Life Outtacontext in February 2001, just as your first term began. But it wasn't until 9/11 that I began to write about the "News Outta My Control." As a reaction to September 11 I created Dichotomy: It Was a Matter of Time and Place as a way for others to tell their stories, pairing missives from those who were affected directly by these attacks with those who experienced them via the media. I just received my most recent contribution just last week.

During the last few days I've been taking stock of the last eight years through my writings here. Below is a list with links to my thoughts these last two Bush terms. Some of these stories remind me that some of us have an incredible ability to analyze our situation accurately (unlike the Bush Administration's WMD assertion), like Seymour Hersh. In a 2003 post he tells us that it's Pakistan, not Iraqi, that should concern us the most. Or like Steve Mehallo's 2003 poster for peace that says "Make Jobs Not War. We're starting to see the light now.

Others remind me that I can be outspoken in quite an idiosyncratic sort of way: here, here, and here. (Oh, and don't forget here, here and especially here.) Some pieces I am even proud of. Freedom fries be damned!

While just a regular "Joe" citizen, living in Washington has over the years given me access to the centers of power. Like the time I ran into John Ashcroft on the street, or when my wife and I were invited to Vice President Cheney's house. And sometimes politics got personal. It's been a hard, but interesting eight years. September 11, the Iraqi War, the 2004 and 2008 Presidential Elections, Katrina, and the economic dive-bomb. It's all here.

The list below seems so nice and tidy. But life for all of us has been far from it. To better times!

Idiosyncratic Celebrations, News Outta My Control / 16.01.2009

Porta-Potties Stand Ready and Waiting for Inaugural Hordes. Am I ready? Well, to be honest, I am a bit nervous. Will I be standing in a sea of four million out-of-towners or two million --many natives have decided to go skiing. (Follow the rules people and we'll get along just fine.) Will the Metro actually get me where I'm going? The Metro's General Manager isn't so sure. He is sure "something will happen on the 20th." That's what I like: confidence. Am I prepared for the cold and the hours I'll be standing on the National Mall? I'm working at...

News Outta My Control, Professional Auteurism / 06.12.2008

Beauty has always been a product of the social attitudes of the time. During the Renaissance voluptuous Rafaelesque women were the standard aspiration while in the 1960s, and certainly today, thin --even an emaciated look-- is often what people admire. While waiting for the subway after work yesterday I found a new back-lighted dental ad at my usual standing spot. Quick! Who does this man look like? Is it a coincidence this model reminds me of Barack Obama? His election was more than the total electoral votes he garnered --some even calling it a post-racial social revolution. Oh, our propensity to...

Fairly Odd Parents-Present, News Outta My Control / 23.11.2008

So cute. And just perfect for the First Family and the Gates family. While the rest of the country recovers from the election, Washington is swimming in a sea of Obamamania. It's not surprising considering that Barack, Michelle, Malia, and Sasha will be moving in just down the road. For us all politics is local. You see, while I live just outside the Beltway, I often connect with the Politicos of DC in more intimate ways --sometimes directly and sometimes in an off-the-cuff chit chat moment. They're locals, just like us. Many of my neighbors work directly with political higher ups....