News Outta My Control / 18.02.2007

All of a sudden I can no longer send email to my friend Jim at his Earthlink address. Their server is bouncing everything back to me. When I looked closely at the header of the returned communication the problem was clear: "reason: 550 550 Dynamic/zombied/spam IPs blocked." Well, okay, it was clear to me. Translated, Earthlink had decided the outgoing mail server I was using had either been hijacked by another server or was directly the source of spam.

The solution was really simple: get the owner of my mail server to talk with Earthlink to get them taken off of their spam blacklist. I was so mistaken. The solution was simple, but actually get someone to help me was not.

First I called Verizon. Over the course of the evening I spoke with three of their tech support staff, kindly recounting the issue only to be disconnected each time. All I wanted was someone to say: "Mr. Gates, I'm sorry you are having a problem. I will make sure the proper people take care of it." Instead, I was often told it wasn't their problem, but mine. It was a frustrating experience I've grown to expect with Verizon and other companies I rely on for my technical wellbeing.

Jonathan Grubb, Chief Product Officer of a new company called Satisfaction has just written an article called 8 Types of Customer Service. Verizon comes under his fifth category called Understanding but Inflexible Customer Service. Jonathan describes the type:

This is sometimes a hard one to spot. The customer service person listens to you, tries to understand your problem, acknowledges how frustrating it is, then tells you that the company is prepared to do absolutely nothing to remedy the situation... Online example: Verizon, where they will never ever stray from the rules but they will talk with you as long as you like.

Yes, Jonathan, that was exactly my experience. Each listened quietly while I concisely described my problem after which each expressed his regret that I was experiencing such pain. Then nothing. Which leads me to suggest to tech companies a few steps towards better customer support:

News Outta My Control / 31.12.2006

Palm trees will soon grace the South Lawn of the White House and life in the capital city will become serene and laid-back. Of course, a global warming rise of seven meters in the sea level would actually flood this part of the White House real estate. A big chunk of the Arctic iceshelf breaks off near the North Pole. A beloved blogger is perplexed about the cold Southern California weather. And DC officially moves south into a more temperate climate. Is the end near? Our copy of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth just arrived from Netflix so I'll let you...

Fairly Odd Parents-Present, News Outta My Control / 05.11.2006

My daily routine is being reconstructed. Directions to my new subway entrance (top). Blocked entrance to my house (bottom). A creature of habit I get up every morning at 5:30. My feline alarm clock gently taps me on the shoulder or face (whichever is closest) to inform me "I'm hungry. Get out of bed!" No snooze alarm can delay the inevitable. Work is three hours away but I get up at this ungodly hour to have some quiet time: to read the paper and eat my breakfast in total peace. With this buffer I can put off the chaos of normal family...

News Outta My Control / 11.09.2006

Think about what you were doing, who you were with, and where you were. Reflect upon where we are now. Related Stories from Life Outtacontext: Remains of the Day, The Remains of the Day: One Year Later, and The Essence of a Physical Memory [ 9-11 ] ...

Idiosyncratic Celebrations, News Outta My Control / 29.07.2006

Hooper ya idiot. Starboard. Ain't you watchin' it? Quinn, from Jaws Killer hurricanes. Massive floods. Record heat waves. Earthquakes. Tsunamis. And now this. Huge sea creatures attacking high rise buildings in the burbs of our nation's capital. This isn't just another summertime assault by a Great White; it's an attack of the great GREAT BIG white shark. A 1950s B sci-fi flick? The result of global warming? Al Gore must be snickering "I told you so!" Wait. It's Shark Week and Discovery Channel's worldwide headquarters just outside DC has been eaten alive by a big fish. I was there --those teeth are...

Idiosyncratic Celebrations, News Outta My Control / 17.06.2006

Stewie Griffin and Arnold: fitting namesakes for our American football. It's the World Cup and EVERYBODY has football fever. Everybody but Americans. Ok, not all Americans. Everybody south of our soon-to-be fortified US-Mexican border is glued to their TV. The rest of us are carrying on our lives as we always do --waiting for our football season to start in the Fall. We live Saul Steinberg lives: there is the US and then there is the rest of the world. We've got miles and feet; the rest of the globe has kilometers and meters. We've got gallons and quarts; you've...

News Outta My Control / 21.05.2006

This illustration for a Washington Post article on social networking conveyed a very different story from the one it was supposed to illustrate. I'm a visual person and have found my niche in life as a visual communicator. A picture can illuminate and extend the meaning of my words. Image and text are powerful partners. This morning as I was reading the Sunday Washington Post I was thumbing through the Business section looking at pictures. Along with headlines, this is how I scan the paper every day, using the hierarchy of information to help me decide which articles are important to...

News Outta My Control / 19.03.2006

Walking down the street can be hazardous to your health. I do a lot of urban walking. Decent public transportation lets me keep my car at home during the week. This LA kid is proud to say his five year old car only has 15,000 miles on it. I walk about 10 miles a week just getting to and from the subway. It's good for my health and the environment. My California friends who traverse the freeways (or drive to the grocery down the block) shrug in disbelief. I enjoy relying on my feet to get me where I want to...