Resetting My Monthly Calendar

A new month: time to reset my internal calendar to remember birthdays and pay bills for October. If your birthday happens to be at the beginning of the month, you might not get your birthday greeting from me on time. I can only start thinking about October events at the beginning of October. I’ve set my credit card due dates to be about the 10th of the each month so I don’t incur late fees when I remember on the first of the month that I even owe money. I’m a typical overwhelmed modern who has compartmentalized his life into twelve easier-to-cope-with installments.

Typing my Zip Code into GooGhoul yielded some interesting results.

Typing my Zip Code into GooGhoul yielded some interesting results.

But if your event happens near the end of the month, you’re in luck. I’ve got plenty of time to come up with that perfect gift or greeting. Yes, four weeks is just about the right amount of time. So, I’m pleased that Halloween is on the 31st. This gives my wife and I plenty of time to consider Halloween costumes for the girls. Ok, our children are on a completely different schedule and decided in July what they want to be this year. But I only start listening to them today.

If you too need a bit of help in preparing for All Hallows Eve today’s the day to type your Zip Code into GooGhoul, your official Halloween Search Engine. I did and I’m headed for Number One on my list: a very haunting, I mean haunted mansion a few miles away. It, too, needs to plan ahead for the end of the month as special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald decides whether to take his CIA leak findings to the grand jury by the October 28 deadline.

Now that’s really scary.

(Via Airbag)

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