A Close Encounter of the Political Kind
The Mrs. and I were invited to the Veep's house this past week to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Art in Embassies program. That's Dick and Lynn Cheney's temporary abode.

The real Ambassador in Moscow: Adam & Eve, ©1989, Susie Krasnican, glass
Forget exporting troops to distant foreign outposts. Art is our best missile defense system. And artists are our most accomplished and eloquent ambassadors. Susie has a piece in the Ambassador's residence in Moscow.
I am a humble Web hack and artist-raconteur. Where in the world can politico sightseeing and hobnobbing be so imbued with power? Especially in these times. It was not my first encounter with the Republican powers-that-be. And I wondered what type of opportunity I might have to affect public policy. On the other hand, I also considered the weather this time a year in Guantanamo.