12 Jul That Which We Call a Gesture
Morning Short #1
On our morning commute: my eldest daughter (age 5 3/4) told me she wanted a phone in her room just as a real live version of Abe Simpson passed us on the street. I almost dropped my teeth.
Aside from the great weather we’ve been having in DC this week (think San Francisco in May), I’ve had the pleasure of observing thousands of people in the neighborhood of my office signing to each other: walking down the street, waiting in Starbucks lines (which are much longer these days), and in restaurants. All are here for Deafway II, an international arts festival and gathering “to celebrate the experiences of deaf people” (more on NPR—Real Audio: 4:20 min.).
To all of you I say:

The city streets aren’t discernibly quieter but they are infinitesimally more beautiful.
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