17 Jul Sixty is the New Forty!

As I enter geezerhood my only consolation is that someday I’ll look back and say “Ah to be 60 again!” To those of you who might discount those of the older persuasion remember the words of John Bradford: “There but for the grace of God goes John Bradford.” There but for the grace of God go I. Some day you too will ask yourself “How did this happen?” It seems to happen with quiet determination.
So when do I get my senior discount? No, better yet, when do I get my own Wikipedia page?
Posted at 09:19h, 17 JulyHappy Birthday, Jeff! Hope it’s a special day. My wife turned 60 on July 4th.
Posted at 12:57h, 17 JulyI only believe in astrology as far as it applies to me. And this one seems pretty close. I was married in May and one of my daughters is a Virgo and the other is a Pisces. And I’ve been told they adore me!
Bud aka Older Eyes
Posted at 15:22h, 08 MarchI stumbled on your site while Googling “Sixty is the new forty.” Very attractive and interesting. I’ll be back when I have some time to read.