07 Jul iPhone Lust-O-Meter Bursts!

Life Outtacontext’s iPhone Lust-O-Meter Bursts
It was too much to bear. The pressure, as you know, has been building for a week. The outcome seemed inevitable. Yesterday, my neighbor, Mike, offered to “show me his.” And, as we sat in his living room, festooned with techno-goodness, he let me take his iPhone for a spin (the irony of demo’ing that little thing as we sat in front of his large-screen LCD hi-def TV did not escape me).

Jeff demo’s his Lust-O-Meter to the Mac Genius. Photo by Mike Lee.
When he offered to drive with me to our local Apple store, that was it. It didn’t take much, just a nudge with his little pinky. Using his iPhone to call the store to check availability we were off. On the way, I thought I’d better call my wife, just to let her know where I was. You know, in case of an emergency.
This morning, with my new life waiting for me right next to me on my night table, I turned over, said “good morning,” and checked my email from bed. Ahh, to be in love.
Related Posts: Initial Lust-O-Meter reading and the numbers from two days ago.
- [ iPhone ]
Posted at 11:13h, 08 JulyI had to grab one the day after I played with one too. No regrets, though. I just posted about ten little quirks I think could be fixed soon, but overall it’s such a fantastic device. Welcome to the half-million club of iPhone users.
(I found your site via your neighbor Mike)
Posted at 11:33h, 08 JulyI’m so glad you mentioned waking up and rolling over to say “good morning” to your new love. Because you might possibly experience that buyer’s remorse for just two nanoseconds. Even I did. But then it flew out the window as I learned even more about what the iPhone can do.
We were at a movie this weekend in an historic theatre. The second balcony seats are steep but we went there to get away from people as the only people there were in the front row.
I’m working with my iPhone and this couple sits directly behind us, their knees dangerously close to my neck. We did move, but I realized later why they chose to sit there. He wanted to look at my iPhone. He could have just asked…
Posted at 16:20h, 08 JulySo you’re not beholden to the monopoly on service that Verizon holds in the DC area?
Posted at 17:05h, 08 JulyAbi, I’m not sure just how I’ll use my iPhone. I’m just beginning to think about the changes it may make to my day-to-day life.
For right now, I’m not giving up my primary cell phone with one of AT&T’s competitors. I’ve got a family plan and a pretty good deal.
At the 24+ hour mark, I’m pretty jazzed about being able to get my email and surf the Web with such a small device. The phone part almost seems secondary. I’ve always been resistant to traveling with a laptop for business. Too heavy. And I will never get an “always on” Blackberry. So, the iPhone’s small footprint seems like a good choice weight-wise. And I won’t be constantly interrupted with new email (although, time will tell, just how addicted I get to this feature).
Posted at 23:12h, 08 JulyCRAP! You were my rock man! If you couldn’t hold out, what possible hope do I have? I called my AT&T store today and the only thing that prevented me from writing this comment with my new precious was the fact that they were out of 8Gb models.
Hopefully by the time they get more, I’ll be through the Plak Tau.
God help me…
Posted at 08:08h, 09 JulyGedeon, sorry to be an enabler, but try the Apple Store instead of AT&T. They seem to be getting a constant supply (and apparently the buying experience is more pleasurable). 😉