04 Jul Introducing the iPhone Lust-O-Meter

Life Outtacontext introduces the iPhone Lust-O-Meter.
In the days leading up to the launch of Apple’s iPhone we were inundated with stories upon news articles upon speculation about the “Device of the Century.” Engadget, a tech blog, recognized the overabundance of speculation and offered its viewers an iPhone-free RSS feed (thank you, Engadget!).
To be honest, I had put this gizmo out of my mind. I didn’t have AT&T and wasn’t interested in switching. Six hundred dollars for a phone? Are you kidding? I laughed at all the hoopla.
I laughed as I saw all those people line up in front of my local Apple store last Friday. But then I got my hands on one. And suddenly I saw the light.
I vacillate. One day I want IT (and I want it bad!). The next day I wake up and the urge is gone. Then I see an iPhone commercial and I need it once again. So, to chart my urges I give you the Life Outtacontext iPhone Lust-O-Meter. I will be updating you on my techno-craving periodically until I’ve got it completely under control and it has vanished (think I can do it?) or I have said objet de beauté in hand.
Today I want it bad (real bad). Let’s see, my birthday is in two weeks. Yes, that’s a good justification. I’ll even contribute should Mrs. Gates decide this is the best gift for me. You will see it that way, won’t you Mrs. Gates?
Related Posts: Current iPhone Lust-O-Meter reading and Final Lust-O-Meter Reading
- [ iPhone ]
Posted at 09:44h, 04 Julyi’ve been trying to convince myself that it’s worth waiting for the next gen, when any and all kinks are worked out… It may be a losing argument though. maybe it helps to find a friend that will let you fondle theirs for awhile?
Mike Lee
Posted at 10:39h, 04 JulyMeghan, my wife and I are Jeff’s neighbors about a half block away. We have his ‘n her’s iPhones and have avoided showing them to him lest we trigger a seizure.
Since we love Jeff and our iPhones (Jeff more of course!), we’ll be speaking to Mrs. Gates on behalf of Mr. Gates.
By the way, this site looks great on the iPhone’s web browser!
Posted at 11:04h, 04 JulyDo you remember the TV show “Queen for A Day” from the 50’s? They had an applause-0-meter that registered the audience response to the best sob story of really poor women — the winner got a washing machine.
Well, nothing to do w the iPhone. Just another o-meter. But I think you should go on an iphone diet and sit with your cravings until they dissipate 🙂 (said the new member of weight-watchers). Besides, if you get one, I’ll to 2 jealous!!!
Randall Packer
Posted at 11:06h, 04 JulyI too have been tortured by the seductive nature of the iPhone. I was ready to purchase one on-line immediately after they went on sale, but that evening we saw Michael Moore’s new film Sicko. Well, I felt way too guilty to indulge myself on a slick new phone I don’t really “need,” while 25% of the nation can’t afford health insurance.
Posted at 12:42h, 04 JulyI’d seriously consider buying one, but I have T-Mobile and don’t want to switch. The way phones are sold here is ridiculous. Europe has it figured out (until Apple exports the “exclusive provider” concept over there, anyway).
Posted at 13:10h, 04 July“maybe it helps to find a friend that will let you fondle theirs for awhile?”
Trust me when I say, that doesn’t help, it only makes things worse. It’s VERY difficult to try and say no once you hold it and try it out. Take my advice and stay away from Apple stores unless you want to walk out with one. 🙂
Posted at 13:15h, 04 JulyI may never let you forget that I emailed you asking if I should stand in line. A techie friend said it was more than just a phone, it was a computer. But your answer was clearly no. And *now* you want it!
The high price point is tough. They try to justify it by saying it’s an IPod and a smart phone, and a computer in one but still… I have been planning for it, I have a phone that must be 4-5 years old, I am not locked into a service plan, and I check email a lot. But my husband will not be happy and also there is the “euw, she has an iPhone factor” – I know others will point and think I’m spoiled to spend that much on a phone.
First question – do you think they will ever lower the price?
Posted at 13:45h, 04 JulyMike, if you do contact Mrs. Gates, be very discrete. She must never know I KNOW (if you know what I mean).
Donna, I wouldn’t expect a price drop. By the time that happens Microsoft will have come out with its “iPhone killer,” the Phune (and you know how long that will take) -g
Posted at 02:11h, 05 JulyI share your disease. I surf the Internet for reviews that will convince me this phone is a disaster. Instead, I get this one:
I am going to NY on Tuesday and I want this to take with!
Posted at 02:17h, 05 JulyRandall, great that you saw Sicko. We did too. Everyone, go see this film and spread the word. (Unlike you, I can still live with getting the iPhone.)
Jeff, can you add a keyboard to IPhone (the way the Palm can)?