07 Jul DoubleTake: one + one = ONE

With DoubleTake I was able to stitch two photos into one. Click on the image to see a larger version.
Yesterday, I posted four photos I took as workmen installed new windows throughout our home. Interesting pics, but I wanted to play with them a bit more. I thought it might be interesting to combine the two individual images of the guys removing glass into one panorama.
I could have probably done this with a bit of Photoshop magic (a transparent gradient along the seams of the two images for you digital photogs). But I wanted to try out an image stitching program, DoubleTake, to see what it could do.
Using DoubleTake was easy and intuitive. Drag the images you want to stitch together onto its window. The application arranges them in the order it thinks is correct (or you can place them individually). Clicking on the seam between the photos brings up handles that allow you to adjust the transition between the images. Additional controls allow you to adjust positioning and exposure. Once complete DoubleTake will crop the image to create the panorama. Simple.
After I completed this initial work I saved it as a TIFF, brought it back into Photoshop to do a bit more editing to make the transition from one photo to the other even more seamless. In fact, looking at the final product, it’s hard to believe it came from two separate images. The only clue (to me) is that the “houses” in the background are actually the same house.
- [ Photography, DoubleTake ]
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