Undeniably Uncategorical / 22.08.2003

Suddenly feeling lost here? Can’t find that special story you love to read over and over again because it makes you laugh/feel politically astute/knowingly wink in subversive agreement? That’s because I’ve changed servers and now every permanent link to each individual story has changed too (the main URL remains the same). To help make your viewing enjoyment continue with as little interruption as possible I’ve created a list of what I consider the most popular posts on Life Outtacontext, each a link to its new URL. If you disagree with my choices or feel I should add your favorite (and I...

Undeniably Uncategorical / 29.12.2002

M. O. decided she wanted a change. Most of us would go shopping or perhaps look for new apartment. M, however, decided to really make a change so she took a job as a Country Director for Internews (an organization to promote independent media) in Uzbekistan, a land-locked former state of the Soviet Union. Earlier this month, she moved from Atlanta to Tashkent, the capital of Uz (not to be confused with Oz) to spend the next year and a half. And she has set up a blog to record her experiences: when West meets Central Asia. I recently mentioned that...