Professional Auteurism / 20.01.2003

The Net is redefining our social space. Hyperbole aside, in the last week I've discovered two new ways to define my net community. Did I tell you I'm reading Howard Rheingold's Smart Mobs? Howard has researched the ways technology is changing how we interact. Yet, as a coworker suggested, he writes about it as if he's telling a story. Makes a potentially "geeky" read into a powerful and engaging one. Every so often I get really excited by someone's writing. This is a book I not only can't put down, but one that immediately puts me into a creative trance. Ideas,...

Book Reports, Professional Auteurism / 20.03.2002

Do I Know You? Inside each one of us, laid out like a grid, is a network of complementary, anatomical, psychological, hormonal, and linguistic structures, which in turn allow us to function—I’m paraphrasing Dr. Kai here—within a larger social system made up of its own equivalent and parallel structures, and somewhere within this mesh of inner grid and outer grid lie those gray, baggy pockets of indeterminancy which we call human behavior. My own behavior had been very gray. Mr. Statler in Robert Cohen’s Oscillations How does one describe their first f2f? Is it like recounting one’s first kiss? Face-to-face, for those of...

Artistic Tendencies, News Outta My Control, Professional Auteurism / 28.01.2002

Last week I took a trip up to NYC to see Ground Zero. I'd been wanting to make the trip for some time. And, after working on Dichotomy since September, I felt it was important to take the trip. They've recently put up a platform, about two blocks away from the site. You have to get [free] tickets at the South Street Seaport kiosk, about 7 blocks to the East. Many have mixed emotions about The Platform. Some see it as just another stop on a tourist's itinerary and are concerned about the carnival atmosphere at the site. Even though I'm...

Professional Auteurism / 05.05.2001

I was at the Digital Arts and Culture conference in Providence last week. This meeting began a few years ago to discuss the issues surrounding hypertext literature and media and represents a new subculture for me within the digital art world. As always, the best part of these "doos" is meeting people in between sessions or over dinner. Good to see you again Donna, Judd, Nick, and Vika. Nice meeting you Myles, Lori, Ron, Edie, and Jack Ox, who won't mind if I use her full and real name. There was a little too much theory at times (this coming...

Professional Auteurism / 05.03.2001

I was invited to speak on New Media to the Trustees and senior staff at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts this past weekend. They're looking to introduce technology within the museum and wanted to explore the area. I was one of three speakers. While I work at a museum, I was asked to represent the new media artist's point-of-view. Oliver Knowlton, from Sports Illustrated spoke from the business end and Susan Delson, from, talked about museums and distance learning. I'm always open to speaking to people who will let me get my digital foot in their door. Especially, when...