Idiosyncratic Celebrations, News Outta My Control / 22.01.2009

A "postcard" view of the Inauguration taken from the top of the Washington Monument. The circle marks our spot on the Mall. Click image for larger view. (The original can be found here.) My twelve year old daughter and I got up early to catch the Metro downtown to Barack Obama's Inauguration. We didn't know quite what to expect. No one did. There were numerous unknowns: how many millions would crowd the Mall that day, would the Metro be able to handle the heavy traffic, and where would the best vantage point be to witness the festivites. But I had to...

Idiosyncratic Celebrations, News Outta My Control / 16.01.2009

Porta-Potties Stand Ready and Waiting for Inaugural Hordes. Am I ready? Well, to be honest, I am a bit nervous. Will I be standing in a sea of four million out-of-towners or two million --many natives have decided to go skiing. (Follow the rules people and we'll get along just fine.) Will the Metro actually get me where I'm going? The Metro's General Manager isn't so sure. He is sure "something will happen on the 20th." That's what I like: confidence. Am I prepared for the cold and the hours I'll be standing on the National Mall? I'm working at...

Idiosyncratic Celebrations / 19.04.2008

Let My People Go (or you'll get the biggest headache)! When we were invited to a Passover Sedar this year my children needed to be reminded what it was all about (we don't get invited to a sedar too often). My wife, trying to make it enticing wanted to tell them about the search for the afikomen, the traditional game of hiding of the matzah (ostensibly to keep the children engaged during the pre-dinner service). But in doing so my loving shiksa wife declared: "Girls you'll get to hunt for the ibuprofen!" Yes, as a child I remember when I thought...

Idiosyncratic Celebrations / 08.01.2008

Honor. Prestige. Wealth. These are some of the things that a Bloggie won't bring you. But that won't stop the Web from voting, because this is the annual non-profit competition that determines which blogs are the best of the best. Get ready to find out who the 2008 Weblog Awards are going to. Who could forget this tribute on the fifth anniversary of Life Outtacontext two years ago. You say you never saw it?! (Click on image to start the movie. Quicktime 4.5 MB). It's awards season: the Oscars, the Grammys, the Golden Globes. But, what with the writers strike and...

Child's Play, Fairly Odd Parents-Present, Idiosyncratic Celebrations / 23.12.2007

You might remember we dodged a bullet a few weeks ago over the Tooth Fairy. But the big question remains: does our youngest still believe in Santa? Last week I got a voicemail from my wife: "I just thought you should know, on the way to school today your daughter announced she no longer believes in Santa Claus." Well, I thought, it's over and it seemed so easy. For the rest of the afternoon the weight of my bureaucratic day job seemed so light. At dinner that night I angled for the confirmation. "So, mom told me you no longer believe...

Fairly Odd Parents-Present, Idiosyncratic Celebrations / 22.11.2007

Thanks for the ride! Thanksgiving: a uniquely American holiday. We're supposed to stop what we're doing long enough to remember and appreciate the good things and good people in our lives. No multitasking allowed, unless it's basting a turkey and making a pumpkin pie at the same time. Sometimes it's hard to be thankful for the big picture items: our good health and our good families. They're just "there" as they should be, as we want them to be forever. Giving thanks for these parts of our lives should be a year round endeavor if we can stop just long enough...

Idiosyncratic Celebrations / 01.08.2007

My iPhone and me at Yosemite's Half Dome. What would Samuel Morse have thought? "What hath God wrought?" John Muir would probably have agreed. My email message documenting this event: "We are blissful at this altitude." Just returned from a little road trip with the family (more on that later). Starting in Las Vegas we drove through Yosemite, then on to the Garlic Festival in Gilroy and finally to San Fran for a wedding. Of course, this was the maiden voyage for my iPhone and I was eager to see just where I could use it. The highlight of the trip...

Fairly Odd Parents-Present, Idiosyncratic Celebrations / 20.07.2007

I've been outted. At our monthly all-staff meeting the other day, before attending to the business at hand, I was asked to stand. It was my birthday and I found myself the center of attention. Suddenly, in that way-too-bright spotlight someone asked how old I was.

Instinctively, I dodged the question with this quick retort: "Well, my children think I'm 45." The group laughed and finally, I fessed up: I was 58. I said it proudly as only a card-carrying AARP member should. A low-level gasp permeated the room, finished with a touch of polite applause. My years of workplace subterfuge had finally come to an end.

Every year I am faced with the same dilemma: I want to look forward to celebrating my birthday just so: perfect gifts and the perfect adoration from family and a few close friends, just like I did when I was seven. Remember when the month leading up to your special day was exciting? The night before you counted down the hours to your birthday party. Okay, I've matured just a bit and like to give a little back each year.

But as I inch ever closer to gizzerhood, this tick in time doesn't fit me as well as it used to. Like the zillions who have come before me I will reply when asked how it feels to be a year older: "I don't feel any different." And like my predecessors I will ask myself: "How did I get to be so old?" I fingered the gold watch they would give me on retirement.

Gifts from my coworkers trickled in throughout the rest of the day; people stopped me in the halls to wish me a Happy Birthday and some stopped by my cubicle to marvel at how well preserved I was. More than once I heard "I am shocked, totally shocked you are THAT OLD."

Fairly Odd Parents-Present, Idiosyncratic Celebrations / 07.05.2007

If you've seen this bag, let me know. My wife will love it, especially if it will hold a few bottles of wine! As I sit by the subway door each morning on my commute to work I am rewarded with "first look rights" of people and their possessions as they enter the train. You never know what treasures you will find (objects or their owners). This morning I spied this wonderful Question Mark attaché the minute it came on board. "Wow," I thought, "that would be a perfect Mother's Day gift for my wife. Perfect. Just her style." I mean,...